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William Skillender Wealth Management and Tax Advisory
At William Skillender Wealth Management and Tax Advisory, we know the key to a well-lived retirement isn’t just the amount of money you save; it’s your quality of life. Like you, we dream of spending our retirement years traveling the world, taking up new hobbies and playing with our grandchildren in the backyard. We’re determined to help make your dreams a reality — because that’s what we would want for ourselves, our families and you.

William “Bill” Skillender Founder | Financial Advisor
When Bill’s father passed away in 2001, it was a terrible loss for him and his beloved stepmother, Kathie. An already difficult time was made even worse when they were informed that, despite his father having a significant pension, the way it had been structured meant there was nothing left to support his stepmother. The money was simply gone.
“Something inside of me just knew that this was wrong,” Bill says. “This would be the catalyst that inspired me to do what I do … to not let a person’s spouse and family be left with nothing.”
Bill shifted from being an options trader at a private equity firm in Philadelphia to a financial advisor specializing in retirement planning. A proud New Jersey native, his mission was to serve the communities of his home state by offering customized retirement planning and financial strategies. He aims to help clients and their families avoid hardships like his stepmother experienced — all while providing the highest levels of service they cannot get anywhere else.